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Section Cut Face Plugin Sketchupl REPACK

3.0 20130606Recoded. Speed improved. Cut-face can now 'Glue' to the SectionPlane so that then it changes with it/model.3.1 20120606Fixed glitch with cut-faces creation for hidden objects.3.2 20130607Fixed glitch with glued cut-faces not updating in convoluted nested contexts.3.3 20130607SectionCutFace_loader.rb file now contains editable lists for changing default colors and the dialog's initial default values.3.4 20130607Glue 'On_Demand' option added to avoid continual dynamic SCUT updating.The initial Glue default is now 'No'.SectionCutFace_loader.rb customized options now work properly in compiled files.3.5 20130608Option permutations allow more flexibility, can be Glued/On_Demand etc.3.6 20130609Recoded legit group manipulations to avoid bugsplats from ill-advised 3rd-party tools over-writing API methods and/or adding badly formed Observers.3.7 20130611SectionPlanes 'on-face' now cut geometry by making the cut 0.1mm inside section.Option in SectionCutFace_loader.rb to change 'Inset' to >, needed for some users whose GC's leave section-cuts not showing...3.8 20130724Glitch with observers used for Gluing when new model started resolved.3.9 20131122Inner hole face removal algorithm improved.4.0 20131123Further improvements in inner hole face removal algorithms.4.1 20131123Convoluted transformations of nested objects no longer affects algorithms.4.2 20131124Remaining convoluted mirrored transformations trapped.4.3 20131227'Glue' renamed 'Auto-Update'. Observer impact on usage optimized.4.4 20131228Observers honed again.4.5 20140313Observers adjusted to avoid splats on a few MACs+Mavericks: known v2014 MR0 issue.4.6 20141101Now if you use the material for a SectionCutFace and you paint its group [unlocking if necessary], it then shows that material - perhaps textured, like concrete] - then if it is 'Remade' later on that material is still displayed. This is an alternative to manually adding new own material names into the dialog's list in the SectionCutFace_loader.rb file which can be awkward.4.7 20150710Recoded to allow for most Windows User-names containing accented characters in the AppData Plugins folder-path etc.5.0 20160127Now signed for v2016 full compatibility.Customize-able default Constants now in a separate .constants file - see it's Usage notes...Dialog now allows you to make the SectionCutFace's Layer to be the selected 'Section's Layer', or a unique 'SCUT-nnnnnn' layer, or a Customized new layer, or any other model-layer.The name of the SectionCutFace is either 'After the Layer' or you can enter a Customized-name.5.1 20160203Glitch fixed on SectionCutFaces set to AutoUpdate and OnDemand: the SectionCutFace's Layer is now properly updated to match the Section's Layer, unless its Layer is already set to 'Customized', in which case it is retained; and the SectionCutFace's Name is now updated to match its Layer's name, unless its Name is already set to 'Customized', in which case it is retained.6.0 20160222Glitch fixed with 'remade' SectionCutFaces - layer error etc.The SectionCutFaces now have modified bounding-boxes, made tight to the face, and their axes are also reset so that their blue axis is perpendicular to the face, with the red axis 'horizontal', and the 'origin' set to a logical lower corner.An additional option has been added to the dialog and constants file.'Scene Visibility' - seen the main Documentation for more details...6.1 20170131New FR strings file added [thanks to @mariocha]. Re-signed for full v2017 compatibility.6.2 20170131Glitch with COMP constant - incrementing SCUT name - fixed.

Section Cut Face Plugin Sketchupl

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If you are looking for a plugin to create your section slices in sketchup you are in the right place. This plugin will create a group of the section cut you select and fill it up automatically. Download SectionCutFace.rb

Simply add a face to your section plane with this useful plugin. The face can be quickly modified, changing its color for presentation purposes, and it can also be set to update automatically as you edit your model. The add-on can be downloaded here.

Inserting a section plane is easy as pie. Make sure nothing in your model is selected, and open the group or component context where you want to add the section plane. Also, if you want to place the section plane at a specific height, such as 48 inches above the floor surface, use the Tape Measure tool to set a guide line that will help you place the section plane precisely where you want it.

The way SketchUp closes solids when sectioning them is visual trickery within SketchUp itself, there is NO actual faces there, you'll notice that if the object being sectioned ISNT a solid then Sketchup won't generate the fake face and it'll appear hollow.

TIG has a plugin that will generate a face(s) where a section cuts ... I f remember its called 'Section Cut Face' and once the plugin is installed you simply right click on the section and select 'Generate cut face' (or something like that) and you'll get new geometry on its own Tag/Layer ... It'll often need cleaning up. Scalp that Epix3D mentioned is more powerful but costs.

The OpenStudio Render by Outside Boundary Condition mode will render surfaces by their outside boundary conditions. Only space surfaces have boundary conditions, so only they will be rendered with a color. Shading and interior partition surfaces will be white. This is a good rendering mode to diagnose problems with your model. It provides a quick way to globally look at boundary conditions throughout your model. You never need to use the paint bucket tool in this render mode. In the screenshot below, a section cut has been drawn to reveal the inside of the model, making the boundary condition of surfaces easy to see.

This activates SketchUp's native face style setting to render all surfaces translucently. This allows you to quickly see internal model elements without having to create section cuts or hide parts of the model.

FFD works best on spheres. Once you scale the points out of the Spheres, it actually deforms the shape of the sphere. The sphere is then subdivided into flat faces. With this amazing plugin one can create a unique shape from a sphere.

By adding one of the many third-party plugins for animation, you can control the position and rotation of the TWR Section as your animation progresses. Set up a normal TWR Animation render, get some coffee while it renders, and at the end you will have fully animated section cuts!

The Follow Me and Intersect tools are used together frequently to create complex 3D objects. Follow Me is used to create individual objects by extruding a face along a path, and the Intersect tool is then used to get edges where the Follow Me objects meet themselves or other objects. After these intersection edges are created, trimming is easy.

This section contains two examples of more complex roofs, created using the same Follow Me and Intersect technique. The first example is an overhanging roof, and the second uses curved faces on both the building and roof.

Figure 4-49 shows a building with curved faces, and a roof section that also has curves. The easiest way to create a roof section like this is to first create a vertical face on which to draw the roof section. After running Follow Me and Intersect with Model, the trimming of extra edges can take a while. But the results are worth the effort.

The problem discussed in this section deals with different Follow Me faces that are extruded around edges of the same shape. In these cases, you might have difficulty selecting a path in advance, particularly if edges are broken by other operations. The solution is to copy a set of edges elsewhere so that they can be easily selected. Another problem encountered in the same model is that two sets of Follow Me faces within the same closed shape can interfere with one another. The solution here is to temporarily move one of the faces away, run Follow Me on it, and then move it back into place. After all faces are in place, they can be intersected and trimmed.

Using the faces of the box group to draw on, draw two identical rectangles in opposite corners on which to make the Follow Me faces. On one face, draw an arc section for the skate ramps (shown in Figure 4-52 in beige) and on the other, draw a section for steps (shown in green).

Using extended Follow Me paths results in Follow Me objects that extend past the faces they are supposed to intersect. This ensures that all faces and edges of the Follow Me objects are long enough to intersect, and it makes trimming after intersection easy.

We then work with the external component and rooms and eventually add a section to detail the model for construction documentation. The section is a flat face auto generated by Sketchup but then we draw all details very fast (no hatching or colors for materials here, but that can also be done fast):

For structural analysis you certainly need particular info like material and sections, otherwise it does not really make sense, other than the connection relationship as Dion said. Regarding the model one will need to consider the geometry of the structural elements, and here the concept of spaces is not really helping. It all depends on the structural system, for a reinforced concrete frame structure you can even go just with lines representing beams and columns, for timber walls or masonry you will have surface elements and any windows or doors shall be taken into account, and so on...


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