As appointed certified transaction approvers, CAs serve to ensure that financial activity adheres to University and sponsoring agency policies. Certified Approvers follow relevant guidelines to determine whether a given transaction is allowable, allocable, reasonable, and affordable. Each fiscal year Certified Approvers must engage in continuing education events to retain certification status and stay informed about changing policies and procedures.
This reference is part of the azure-devops extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.30.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az repos policy approver-count command. Learn more about extensions.
With Privileged Identity Management (PIM) in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra, you can configure roles to require approval for activation, and choose one or multiple users or groups as delegated approvers. Delegated approvers have 24 hours to approve requests. If a request is not approved within 24 hours, then the eligible user must re-submit a new request. The 24 hour approval time window is not configurable.
A Global Administrator or Privileged role admin who believes that an approved user should not be active can remove the active role assignment in Privileged Identity Management. Although administrators are not notified of pending requests unless they are an approver, they can view and cancel any pending requests for all users by viewing pending requests in Privileged Identity Management.
After you set up State 1: Entry, you can set up State 2: Next Approver. If a manager creates an employee change request, this state sets a specified employee as the next approver.
When a department approver is expected to be on extended leave they should add a delegate approver in their AggieTravel profile before departing. If the approver did not add a delegate approver, contact the Travel Help desk for assistance in adding the delegate approver.
For department managers (or department contacts, with written department manager approval) the approver table allows you to create departmental group approvers for single vouchers and journal entries.
Each department should establish an approval plan for their Financial Units and assign the appropriate approvers for each Financial Unit. Concur has two rules in place when it comes to who may approve documents in compliance with the Conflict of Interest Prevention Guidelines:
You can create an allocation within the Concur document so that certain expense lines are reviewed by a different Financial Unit Approver than the primary approver indicated in the Report Header. The document will need to be approved by both approvers before advancing in workflow.
Financial Unit Approvers will see all expenses within a document, even ones that are not allocated to them. When a Financial Unit Approver completes review and approves, they are only approving the specific expenses that have been allocated to that approver.
Department Head and Special Entertainment Approvers - These approvers generally need to have authority delegated to them to be able to approve at these levels. See the Approving Meetings and Entertainment for further information.
User-Added Approvers - Approvers are able to add extra approvers to a document outside of the ones established by policy. Please see the How to Perform Tasks as an Approver in Concur KBA for further reference.
Tub finance offices are responsible for creating and maintaining the approval hierarchies within their tubs, for communicating those responsibilities to delegates/preparers/requestors/shoppers and approvers.
Local units are responsible for ensuring that this policy is communicated to all individuals who purchase, prepare, or approve transactions, and that an adequate organizational processing structure is in place to ensure all transactions are properly prepared, documented and approved. Local units are responsible for identifying employees who will use the various processing systems and assigning the associated role (e.g. requestor, delegate, preparer, or approver). Units must ensure that transaction approvers have appropriate training and are knowledgeable regarding acceptable business practices and University policies and procedures.
Travel, Reimbursements and Card Services is responsible for auditing samples of employee and non-employee reimbursements that are approved and submitted by departments after local approvers have fully performed all of their responsibilities as outlined by this policy. Contact: 617-985-8500 option 2 or
Compensating procedures: a series of analyses that can help an approver gain a reasonable level of assurance that an expense is valid. These analyses should include a periodic review of budget to actual expenditures, a review of activity in certain object codes, looking for unusual spending patterns, and asking questions about nonstandard expenses.
I recently submitted last month's expense report, pending approval. The approver sent it back stating that another team member is the approver. Who is responsible for submitting a request to change approvers? There was change in the facility accounting controllers (final approver.) Do I initiate the request to update the approver name or how is this resolved? Thanks
@justin_smith2 the person who sent it back could have technically approved and forwarded to the appropriate approver. However, since they did not, you will need to initiate the request for an approver change. You will not be able to change your approver, so your company's SAP Concur site administrator will need to do it. I have a name for you to contact. I'll send it here on the community in a private message.
The RACI framework is similar to DACI, with a slight change in acronym: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. Responsible is those who will complete the work. Accountable is the final approver of the work. Consulted and Informed are the same.
A: In most cases the department head will be the first level approver for faculty members. The first level approver for department heads is their dean. Department heads can delegate another faculty member to be the approver for their department and this person would receive and review requests.
A proxy is recognized by the system as having the ability to approve requests. However, their review and approval should be in consultation with an actual approver, who should always be a faculty member in an appropriate position of authority. The proxy has to enter the name of the actual approver when submitting approvals.
When you assign an employee the responsibility to approve a transaction, you are also assigning the authority to question and, possibly, deny a transaction. Therefore, the approver should not report to the person(s) who would initiate the transaction. He or she must be able to question and deny a transaction without fear of reprisal. The employee should have knowledge of the university directives and procedures pertaining to the type of transaction, budget constraints on purchases, and any applicable grant requirements. Finally, the employee must be available to approve transactions in a timely fashion. A backup approver should be assigned or provided in situations when the primary approver is not available.
In order to be established as a T & E approver, an employee must have an OASIS Login ID. If an approver does not currently have an OASIS Login ID, a System Access Request (SAR) form must be submitted to Information Technology Services (IT Services) by the department and the approver will be required to attend the IT Services 30-minute security training. It is recommended that there be two approvers for each Financial Accounting Unit (FAU) or department but no more than four.
The departmental T& E approvers who are an integral part of the UCLA Express Travel & Entertainment Expense Management System are established and maintained by department security administrators (DSAs) through the standard DACSS Update Menu. See the related article for more information.
The DACSS Financial Function TVAPPRVR has been set up for this purpose. This function is used exclusively to maintain T& E expense report approvers by organization, division, subdivision, department or FAU for use in the Express System. Note the following with regard to this function:
When an expense report is submitted, the individual selected as an approver receives an email notification that a pending document needs approval. Approvers have the option to Approve, Reject or Request Additional Information.
As a Journal Approver, when an absence takes you out of the office you have the ability to temporarily assign an alternate approver who can review and approve or deny your journals so they post as intended. Approval delegation is performed in the PeopleSoft My System Profile page.
From the People form, you can set up one or more people to approve change requests that are pending your approval, for example, to add the change manager or change coordinator as an alternate approver.
Prior to approving financial transactions, approvers must be granted appropriate approval authority and complete the required training. Refer to the Authority Manager How Tos for granting, changing, revoking, or restoring financial authority to others. The following table summarizes financial transactions that require approval, how approval authority is granted and the specific requirements for receiving approval authority. System authority is updated within 24 hours of prerequisite completion. If authority is not granted as expected, please submit a support request for assistance. 041b061a72