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Tales Of Tomorrow Experiment

Quantum theory has been subjected to many experimental tests over the past century, and it keeps passing the tests. It is so reliable that, despite its apparent strangeness, quantum mechanics is now essential for nearly every modern technology. We trust our lives to quantum mechanics every day, in the computers that control our cars, in the lasers that speed our communications around the world, in the atomic clocks that guide the global positioning system (GPS), and in the medical scans that diagnose our diseases.

Tales of Tomorrow Experiment

Since 2015, we have improved the optical devices we used in our Bell Test experiment and advanced our mathematical analysis tools. Through the heroic effort and skill of my experimental colleagues, violation of local realism has become routine in our laboratories. We participated in The Big Bell Test in which humans provided the random measurement choices. More than 100,000 people entered 0s and 1s into the Big Bell Test website, and those choices were distributed to 13 labs around the world, each of which successfully performed its own version of a Bell Test.

My understanding of interpretations that involve a "mind" is that they claim that there is an essentially non-quantum or aspect of human consciousness, which causes wavefunction collapse. Although brain (as distinct from the mind) might or might not be a quantum mechanical object able to exist in superposition, the conscious mind (they claim) is not able to exist in superposition. There are various mechanisms proposed for why or how consciousness is not quantum in spite of the apparently quantum nature of the matter that makes up the brain. That might feel inconsistent, but I don't know that it is logically contradictory. Also, there is no possible experiment that can distinguish between a mind that can cause wavefunction collapse and a mind that becomes entangled with the wavefunction.

I am not sure what you have in mind when you ask for an analysis of NIST's experiments in terms of quantum field theory. In our Bell Test experiments, the goal is to reject classical theories. Surprisingly even though we use quantum mechanics to design the experiment and exploit quantum entanglement in the experiment, the analysis is classical. We simply ask "Can a classical theory produce data like we saw?". We find that even the best classical theory provides a very poor match to our data, so we conclude that classical physics cannot explain the behavior in our experiment. Of course, quantum field theory can explain the experiment.

1) Near the event horizon of a black hole, the experiments would be much more difficult to perform because the space-time curvature will disturb the entanglement in the photons' polarizations, but one should still be able to see violation of local realism in principle. Near the center of a black hole, nobody knows what will happen because we don't have a unified theory of quantum gravity.

2c) My interpretation of the paper by Zych, Costa, Pikovsky, and Brukner is that they have highlighted a particular way in which quantum theory and general relativity are not compatible. Their thought experiment does not prove that cause and effect are necessarily reversible -- only that they can be reversible if some relevant features of quantum theory and relativity are preserved during their fusion.

I agree that we must re-evaluate the many restrictions of quantum theory and relativity. Many excellent physicists are working hard developing such theories, and there are plenty to choose from. The main difficulty is the lack of experimental data that we can use to test these theories.

@idontgetit, when we see that Bell's Inequality is violated in a loophole-free experiment, we could explain what is really happening to the particles by saying that "their spins were already lined up with where the detectors will be". At least that explanation is compatible with the experiment. How are they able to line up? It could be that the particles receive a faster-than-light message telling which way to line up. It could be that the particles had advance information about the detectors' orientations even before the supposedly random choices were made. It is also possible that the particles do not have definite values for their spins until they hit the detectors. All of these different explanations are compatible with experiments, so which one you prefer is up to you.

@Justo, please note that I only claimed "it is possible" that particles do not have definite values before measurement. This is one conceivable interpretation of the tests of local realism that is compatible with the mathematical structure of quantum theory and with experimental results. I have not claimed that we have clear evidence that particles do not have definite values before measurement. Like the paper you cite, I also think that claim is unfalsifiable -- meaning not testable in an experiment.

As touching the other pilgrims of the Great Carbuncle, the legend goes on totell that the worshipful Master Ichabod Pigsnort soon gave up the quest as adesperate speculation, and wisely resolved to betake himself again to hiswarehouse, near the town-dock, in Boston. But as he passed through the Notch ofthe mountains a war-party of Indians captured our unlucky merchant and carriedhim to Montreal, there holding him in bondage till by the payment of a heavyransom he had woefully subtracted from his hoard of pine-tree shillings. By hislong absence, moreover, his affairs had become so disordered that for the restof his life, instead of wallowing in silver, he had seldom a sixpence-worth ofcopper. Doctor Cacaphodel, the alchemist, returned to his laboratory with aprodigious fragment of granite, which he ground to powder, dissolved in acids,melted in the crucible and burnt with the blowpipe, and published the result ofhis experiments in one of the heaviest folios of the day. And for all thesepurposes the gem itself could not have answered better than the granite. Thepoet, by a somewhat similar mistake, made prize of a great piece of ice whichhe found in a sunless chasm of the mountains, and swore that it corresponded inall points with his idea of the Great Carbuncle. The critics say that, if hispoetry lacked the splendor of the gem, it retained all the coldness of the ice.The lord De Vere went back to his ancestral hall, where he contented himselfwith a wax-lighted chandelier, and filled in due course of time another coffinin the ancestral vault. As the funeral torches gleamed within that darkreceptacle, there was no need of the Great Carbuncle to show the vanity ofearthly pomp.

What greater expression of faith in the American experiment than this, what greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals? (Applause.)

In today's lecture we're going to be talking about experiments, and I thought it might be interesting for you all to learn about the world's oldest continuously running laboratory experiment that is still going today. In fact, it holds the Guinness World Record for being the longest-running experiment. This experiment began in 1927 and has been going ever since.

It's called the 'pitch drop' experiment and it was created by Professor Thomas Parnell at the University of Queensland, Australia. Parnell was the university's first physics professor, and he wanted to show in this experiment that everyday materials, such as pitch, can have quite surprising properties.

Since then, the pitch has slowly dropped out of the funnel. How slowly? Well, the first drop took eight years to fall. It took another forty years for another five drops to fall. Today it's been almost 90 years since the experiment started. Only nine drops have fallen from the funnel. The last drop fell in April 2014 and the next one is expected to fall in the 2020s.

The pitch drop experiment is something we can all participate in now. There's a live web stream that allows anyone to watch the glass funnel and wait for the fateful moment. A similar experiment to the Queensland pitch drop was set up in Dublin, and the video of the moment the pitch actually dropped went viral on the internet. It's interesting to see how a very slow event can spread news so quickly.

I really like to read a article or watch a video about experiments. Also, i interested in chemical when i got to high school.Now, ı have been working as a R&D engineer and we have been doing a lot of experiments to improve our products to have better one. For example , when ı worked at FORD Otosan, ı was responsible of the development tests of the Gen 2 and electricity engines for the trucks. We have tried to find a better solutions to reduce C02 emission to have a better world in the future without climate change. We can fix our world together

Do you know of any other famous experiments? What are they?Yes.The gravity experiment. It was done by Isaac Newton. When he was sitting under an apple tree in his garden at home, an apple fell directly onto his head, causing him to have a light-bulb moment- a moment of inspiration on how gravity works in space.

Yes, I am Chemical Engineer, so I have studied a lot of different experiments at the school and university. Personally, I believe one of them very famous due to both the easiness and the relevance is the Arquimedes experiment that let him find out the volume of any body is the same than the volume of fallen water when you sink the object in a bath full with water. This is the origen of the famous frase Eureka!

I can remember a lot of experiments. Some of them are positive and have clearly changed our world, like what Nasa has always done, including the Apollos. But sadly, some of the experiments were disasters. For example, I suppose the most violent and aggressive experiments belong to the Nazi party. 041b061a72


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