Obsidium Lite 1.6.1 Crack ##TOP##
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3.1.5 Mods Updated:* Tombstone: Revived (4.0.0-2 -> 4.0.1-3) * Fixes server startup crash 3.1.4Bug Fixes:* Correctly stage the Stray and its equipment* Wool being visible in the world before intended* Remove unnecessary imp leather drops (#4143)* Fixed BWM Anchor and Pulley uncraftable in stage one* Slime boots in conflicting stages* Moved Void Sack to Age 5 as the recipe reciquired items from that age* Staged the application of the iChisel (hitech) modifier on tinkers' tools* Strange mob spawn counts potentially caused by low view distance Enhancements:* Remove Barley Flour - Barley now produces regular flour instead* Cutting a wooden slab using the BWM Saw will convert it to a thin slab if one exists for that material* Stop Forge logging cascading world generation* Adjusted the Betweenland's Boulder Sprite spawn rates Mods Added:* Tombstone: Revived Mod Updates:* AbyssalCraft (* AbyssalCraft Integration (1.11.2)* AppleSkin (1.0.9 -> 1.0.14)* Bedrock B Gone/Better Bedrock (5.1.11)* Better Foliage (2.3.1)* Now works with Optifine F4 and later* BnBGamingCore (0.11.0 -> 0.12.0)* Bonsai Trees (1.1.4-b170)* CD4017BE Library (6.4.6 -> 6.4.18)* Cooking for Blockheads (6.4.70 -> 6.5.0)* CraftTweaker (* Custom Main Menu (2.0.9 ->* Cyclic (1.19.11 -> 1.20.3)* Dark Utilities (1.8.226 -> 1.8.230)* Dimensional Control (2.13.0)* Enchantment Descriptions (1.1.15)* Ender Storage 1.8.+ ( ->* Ender Utilities (0.7.12 -> 0.7.15)* Extended Crafting (1.5.4 -> 1.5.6)* Farming for Blockheads (3.1.26 -> 3.1.28)* Farseek (2.3.2 -> 2.5)* FastWorkbench (1.7.3)* Game Stages (2.0.123)* Hunting Dimension (1.0.42)* Improved Backpacks ( ->* Immersive Engineering (0.12-92 -> 0.12-98)* Inductive Logistics (1.3.3 -> 1.3.4)* Industrial Foregoing (1.12.12-236 -> 1.12.13-237)* Inventory Tweaks (1.64+dev.146 -> 1.64+dev.151)* Iron Chests ( ->* KleeSlabs (5.4.11 -> 5.4.12)* McJtyLib (3.5.3 -> 3.5.4)* Modular Routers (3.2.1 -> 3.3.0-33)* More Overlays (1.14 -> 1.15.1)* Ocean Floor - Clay Sand and Dirt (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2)* RandomPatches ( ->* Reborn Storage ( ->* Refined Storage (1.6.14 -> 1.6.16)* Refined Storage Addons (0.4.4 -> 0.4.5)* RFTools (7.71 -> 7.73)* Rustic (1.1.0 -> 1.1.4)* SevPatches (1.4-5 -> 1.5-6)* Simple Storage Network (1.7.6 -> 1.7.11)* Steve's Carts Reborn ( ->* Storage Drawers (5.3.8 -> 5.4.2)* Thirsty Bottles (1.1.4 -> 2.0.1)* ViesCraft - Airships! (5.9.13 -> 5.9.16)* Wawla - What Are We Looking At (2.5.273 -> 2.6.275)* XNet (1.8.1 -> 1.8.2) Mods Removed:* Corail's Tombstone 3.1.3 Bug Fixes:* Remove/alter additional recipes using Refined Storage Processors* Use a staged output bus in the auto-cauldron structure (#3851)* Dying eight slime blocks will now produce eight slime blocks rather than just one (#3899)* Black Quartz and Silicon can now be crafted using their respective essences (#3833, #3913)* Scamulator blueprint now has a recipe (#3870)* Painted wood crafting recipe readded (#3685)* The colour of quantum storage bags can now be changed (#3743)* Fix Together Forever command in getting started text (#3943)* Update Tartaric Forge removed recipes as changed upstream (#3942)* Vanilla bookshelves can now only be crafted using vanilla planks, preventing conflict with natura (#3940)* Lapis blocks are now be chiselable (#3932)* Dupe bug as a result of TCon Crafting Station exposing Auto Chisel slots to JEI fixed (#3956)* Enchantments now staged by definition, meaning books remain hidden even in old worlds where enchant IDs are different* Properly stage the "easy" recipe for the Compacting Storage Drawer (#4100)* Re-Added Cyclic GPS Marker for use in the Sensor Display (#4093)* Removed recipe for TConstruct EFLN (as it was not intended to be craftable) (#4062)* Fix Biodiesel not working with UltimateCarMod (#3885)* Base tier Viescraft airship now triggers advancement (#4021)* Blacklisted The Betweenland's